
HM assists virtual asset service providers (cryptocurrency exchanges and OTC desks, custodians, DeFi platforms, token issuers and other projects)with a range of legal and regulatory matters within and outside Singapore. HM has assisted multiple applications for Payment Services Act license applications, including companies that successfully received in-principle approval from the MAS to offer digital payment token services. For additional reference materials regarding cryptocurrency regulation, see our Payment Services Act Knowledge Library.
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Actionable Strategy for a Grey Environment | © 2023 HM
*HM is not a law firm and neither it nor its personnel may act as an advocate or solicitor for purposes of the Singapore Legal Profession Act. HM is a Singapore-headquartered management consulting firm.
HM operates under three brands: HM Strategy, HM Compliance and HM Counsel. HM Compliance offers Singapore compliance services, including outsourced compliance, MAS licensing services, ad hoc advisory and consulting services, corporate governance advisory, ESG consulting, training and internal audit. HM launched as a Singapore compliance consultancy in 2018. HM Strategy offers regulatory and management strategy advice to Boards of Directors and senior management as well as risk management consulting. HM Counsel offers in-house counsel services.