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Holland & Marie has collected a library of articles and helpful links on various regulatory topics. For assistance with applying for a license or ongoing compliance, please email us at info@hmcompliance.com.
For information about our risk management consulting services, please click here.
Guidelines on Outsourcing (Financial Institutions other than Banks) (11 December 2023)
Guidelines on Business Continuity Management (6 June 2022)
Guidelines on Environmental Risk Management for Asset Managers (8 December 2020)
Guidelines on Individual Accountability and Conduct (10 September 2020)
Guidelines on Risk Management Practices – Objectives and Scope (1 March 2013)
Guidelines on Risk Management Practices – Board and Senior Management (1 March 2013)
Guidelines on Risk Management Practices – Internal Controls (1 July 2014)
Guidelines on Risk Management Practies – Operational Risk (1 March 2013)
Guidelines on Risk Management Practices – Technology Risk (18 January 2021)
Guidelines on Risk Management Practices – Market Risk (1 March 2013)
Guidelines on Risk Management Practices – Liquidity Risk (1 March 2013)
Guidelines on Risk Management Practices – Credit Risk (1 March 2013)
Guidelines on Outsourcing (5 October 2018)
Guidelines for E-Payments User Protection (5 December 2019)
Consultation Papers
Consultation Paper on Proposed Guidelines on Individual Accountability and Conduct (MAS) (2018)
Articles and Videos:
MAS Guidelines on Indvidual Accountability (Holland & Marie) (October 2020)
Risk Management Training for the Board of Directors (Holland & Marie) (September 2020)
A detailed look at MAS’ New Accountability Guidelines (Simmons & Simmons) (11 September 2020)
The Singapore Directors’ Toolkit (KPMG) (October 2019)
Directors Duties and Responsibilities in Singapore (Gibson Dunn) (2015)
Singapore’s Continued Focus on Culture & Conduct (Linklaters)
Who Is Responsible For Regulatory Compliance? (Holland & Marie)
Risk Functions (Allen & Overy)
Handbook on Implementing Environmental Risk Management (Green Finance Industry Task Force)
Infographic on Guidelines on Individual Accountability and Conduct (MAS)
Information Paper on Culture and Conduct Practices of Financial Institutions (MAS)
FAQ on Guidelines on Invidual Accountability and Conduct (MAS)
New Industry Steering Group to Elevate Culture and Conduct Standards for Banking Industry (MAS)
Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act (Chapter 325)
MAS Act Chapter 186: Anti- Money Laundering/ Countering the Financing of Terrorism
The requirements and expectations on financial institutions are set out in the MAS’ AML/CFT Notices, Guidelines and other Guidances. Financial instiutions should also refer to: (1) AML/CFT announcements ande media releases for information on high-risk jurisdictions and (2) AML/CFT Guidance Papers issued by international bodies, including the Financial Action Task Force. Financial institutions must also comply with MAS regulations which give effect to obligations arising from the United Nations Security Council Resolutions to combat proliferation financing.
Circular on Non-Face-To-Face Due Diligence Measures (February 2022)
Guidance to Capital Markets Intermediaries on Enhancing AML/CFT Frameworks and Controls (MAS)
Guidance for Effective AML/CFT Transaction Monitoring Controls (MAS) (September 2018)
Consultation Papers
Consultation Paper on Notice on Identity Verification (MAS) (10 November 2020)
MAS Consultation Paper on Requirements on Controls Against Market Abuse (MAS) (5 August 2019)
MAS sets out sound practices for outsourced AML/CFT Controls (Baker McKenzie) (21 July 2020)
From gold and diamonds to digital payment tokens – the wide reach of AML/CFT obligations (Dentons Rodyk) (29 April 2020)
Non-Face-To-Face KYC Explained (Holland & Marie and Maven Diligence)
MAS Extends AML/CFT Requirements to Payment Service Providers (Herbert Smith Freehills)
MAS Consults on Draft AML/CFT Notices for Payment Services Providers (Shook Lin & Bok)
MAS Consults on Proposed AML/CFT Notices for Licensed Payment Services Providers (Baker & McKenzie)
MAS revises AML/CFT requirements for money-changing and remittance business (Allen & Gledhill)
MAS issues AML/CFT Guidelines and FAQs for insurers (Allen & Gledhill)
Strengthening Financial Institutions’ Countering the Financing of Terrorism Controls (May 2023)
Strengthening AML/CFT Practices for External Asset Managers (August 2022)
Strengthening AML/CFT Name Screening Practices (April 2022)
Terrorism Financing National Risk Assessement 2020 (MAS) (30 December 2020)
Effective AML/CFT Controls in Private Banking (2020)
MAS Overview – Anti-Money Laundering (MAS)
Singapore National Risk Assessment
Industry Perspectives – Adopting Data Analytics Methods for AML/CFT (ABS)
For assistance with with technology risk management, please click here.
Guidelines and Notices (MAS):
MAS Notices on Technology Risk Management
Guidelines on Risk Management Practices – Technology Risk
Guidelines on Business Continuity Management
Consultation Papers (MAS):
Response to Public Feedback for Consultation Paper – TRM Guidelines (18 January 2021)
Consultation Paper on Proposed Revisions to Technology Risk Management Guidelines (1 March 2019)
Consultation Paper on Proposed Revisions to Business Continuity Management Guidelines (1 March 2019)
Singapore: MAS revises Technology Risk Management Guidelines (Baker & McKenzie) (January 2021)
Revisions to guidelines on Technology Risk Management (PWC) (January 2021)
Compliance should view cyber-security through prism of risk (Compliance Week) (January 2021)
MAS proposes enhanced rules on technology and business continuity risk management (Reed Smith)
MAS Information Page on Cyber Security
Instructions on Incident Notification and Reporting to MAS
The Licensing Regime in Hong Kong (CharltonsLaw)
The Licensing Regime Under The Securities and Futures Ordinance (CharltonsLaw)
Applying to the SFC for a Type 9 (Assetment Management License in Hong Kong (Charltons Law)
This page contains a list of articles or regulatory publications covering the laws relating to cryptocurrency across APAC. While we endeavor to keep this information current, these materials are not meant to provide definitive advice. Readers should confirm the status of applicable law with reputable legal or compliance advisors.
PWC Global Crypto Regulation Report 2023
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation 2021 (Gilbert & Tobin) (2021)
Cryptocurrency Laws and Regulations in Australia (7 December 2020)
China and Cryptocurrency (Freemans Law) (2020)
Cryptocurrency Regulations in Estonia (2020)
New Regulatory Regime for Crypto Assets in Germany (March 2020)
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Crypto Regulation (Charltons Quantum)
Hong Kong Consults on a New Licensing Regime (Latham & Watkins) (5 November 2020)
Regulating Cryptocurrency in India (Juris Corp) (6 October 2020)
Indonesia’s Regulatory Approach (Permitindo) (2020)
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation (Anderson Mori & Tomotsune) (2021)
Guidelines on Digital Assets (Securities Commission Malaysia) (28 October 2020)
Guidelines for Virtual Asset Service Providers (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas) (2021)
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation (Marques & Albuquerque) (2021)
Portugal – The Most Crypto-Friendly Nation in Europe (Jean Galea) (31 March 2021)
Seychelles, Longtime Home of BitMEX, Is Bending to US Pressure on KYC (Allison) (17 December 2020)
Information on the Payment Services Act (MAS) (15 April 2019)
South Korea
The Virtual Currency Regulation Review: South Korea (6 September 2020)
GovChain: Sweden Cryptocurrency Regulations (2021)
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation (Lee & Li) (April 2020)
Taiwan Cryptocurrency: Developments (Lee & Li) (15 May 2019)
A comparison of Developments in Cryptocurrency Regulation (Weerawong C&P) (2021)
United Arab Emirates
Regulatory Approaches to Cryptoassets: UAE (2019)
United Kingdom
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation (Latham & Watkins) (2021)
UK Cryptocurrency Regulations (Compliance Insights) (11 January 2021)
United States
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation (Holland & Knight) (2021)
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulations in the US & Abroad (27 January 2021)
Cryptocurrency in Vietnam (Steven Jacob) (18 January 2021)
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation (Latham & Watkins) (2021)
UK Cryptocurrency Regulations (Compliance Insights) (11 January 2021)
United States
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulation (Holland & Knight) (2021)
Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Regulations in the US & Abroad (27 January 2021)
Actionable Strategy for a Grey Environment | © 2023 HM
*HM is not a law firm and neither it nor its personnel may act as an advocate or solicitor for purposes of the Singapore Legal Profession Act. HM is a Singapore-headquartered management consulting firm.
HM operates under three brands: HM Strategy, HM Compliance and HM Counsel. HM Compliance offers Singapore compliance services, including outsourced compliance, MAS licensing services, ad hoc advisory and consulting services, corporate governance advisory, ESG consulting, training and internal audit. HM launched as a Singapore compliance consultancy in 2018. HM Strategy offers regulatory and management strategy advice to Boards of Directors and senior management as well as risk management consulting. HM Counsel offers in-house counsel services.